Biggest dog in the Guinness Book of World Records, weighing in at 294 lbs (133 kgs)

Gibson is currently the worlds tallest living dog Certified by the Guiness Book of World Records. Measures in at 180 lbs (81 kgs), 3.5 ft (107 cm) tall, and is more then 7 feet (2.1 m) tall when standing up.

Tallest Living Horse :
Radar, a Belgian draught horse from Mount Pleasant, Texas is officially
the World’s Tallest Living Horse. [via worldsmostunique]
• Belgian Draft horse gelding
• Born in 1998 in Iowa, USA
• 19 Hands 3-1/2 inches tall (6′ 7-1/2″)
• Weighs over 2,400 pounds (1,088 kg)
• Eats 18lbs. of grain, 40lbs. of hay each day
• Drinks 20 gallons of water each day

Worlds Largest Rabbit (Gigantic rabbit):
weighs 17 lbs (7.7 kgs), has ears measuring at 8.2 in (21 cm), and is
almost 3.2 feet (1 m) tall

Caught in Indonesia, this huge Python is measured in at 48 ft (14.85 m) long and weight 985 lbs (447 kg).

Though unusual, but real that among the remaining giant tortoises of the Galapagos Islands, there lives an old-timer which was a hatchling at the time of Charles Darwin’s famous visit in 1835. Giant tortoises are the long-lived of all vertebrates, averaging over 100 years. Records shows that the oldest ever lived was of 152 years.

Jungle Island in Miami is home to a liger (a hybrid cross between a male lion and a female tiger) named Hercules, which is the largest non-obese liger. The liger is acknowledged by the Guiness Book of World Records as the largest cat on Earth, weighing in at 900 lbs.

The Liaoning Provincial Agricultural Museum is appealing to the Guinness Book of Records to recognise a 900 kg (1984 pounds) pig which died on February 5 as the biggest pig ever. At its death the pig was 2.5 metres long and had a waistline of 2.23 metres and a tusk of 14.4 centimetres long. According to a farmer of Wafangdian city, the pig was only 5 years old. The pig received quality food all its life.

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Its funny watch this:
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