Saturday, January 30, 2010

Zoo Animals Tiger Photos - Images

Tiger PhotographyTiger Photography

"No one knows how many wild tigers exist today. The commonly cited estimate of 5,000 to 7,000 is a guess, since census methods can be faulty, some governments inflate numbers, and cat experts may understate numbers for fear of losing protected status. What is certain: If tigers are to survive in the wild, they need massive human intervention."

—From "Making Room for Wild Tigers," December 1997, National Geographic magazin

Sumantra Tiger in Malaysia - Thirsty Tiger Photo Gallery ImageSumantra Tiger in Malaysia - Thirsty Tiger Photo Gallery Image

Roaring Tiger PhotoRoaring Tiger Photo

Siberian Tiger from the San Francisco ZooSiberian Tiger from the San Francisco Zoo

The above photo of the tiger crouching, is Tatiana, the Siberian Tiger from the San Francisco Zoo that escaped her grotto enclosure, attacking three park guests...killing one.