The white watercourse that meanders from the middle of the left side down to the bottom of the image is the initial part of the 1500-km-long Da Yunhe or Grand Canal, a linked series of natural and man-made waterways that represents an engineering achievement on a par with the Great Wall (Credit for image and legend: ESA).

The Great Wall of China at "Mutianyu" just north of Beijing under a recent blanket of snow.

The Great Wall of China HISTORY :
The Great Wall started as earth works thrown up for protection by different States. The individual sections weren't connected until the Qin dynasty (221-206 B.C.). Qin Shihuangdi, First Emperor of Qin began conscripting peasants, enemies, and anyone else who wasn't tied to the land to go to work on the wall. He garrisoned armies at the Wall to stand guard over the workers as well as to defend the northern boundaries. The tradition lasted for centuries. Each dynasty added to the height, breadth, length, and elaborated the design mostly through forced labor.
It was during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) that the Wall took on its present form. The brick and granite work was enlarged and sophisticated designs were added. The watch towers were redesigned and modern canon were mounted in strategic areas. The Portuguese had found a ready market for guns and canon in China, one of the few items of trade that China didn't already have in abundance. The Ming Emperors, having overthrown the Hun dominance and expelled their Mongol rulers of the North devoted large portions of available material and manpower to making sure that they didn't return.
Throughout the centuries, armies were garrisoned along the length of the Wall to provide early warning of invasion and a first line of defense. Great piles of straw and dung used to build signal fires have been found during excavations. There must have been small garrison towns spotted along the length. There weren't many farms or trade towns to provide ease, relaxation and food. The supply trails were over mountains along narrow paths. To bring supplies to the top, ropes were slung over posts set in the Chinese side of the wall and baskets were hauled up hand over hand. Supplies must have always been short and chancy, particularly in the winter.
The Wall served well. Only when a dynasty had weakened from within were invaders from the north able to advance and conquer. Both the Mongols (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368) and the Manchurians (Qing Dynasty,1644-1911) were able take power, not because of weakness in the Wall but because of weakness in the government and the poverty of the people. They took advantage of rebellion from within and stepped into the void of power without extended wars.
Over the past few centuries, the Great Wall has served as a source of building materials for local farms and villages. Aerial photos show that in sections, only the top battlements show -- the center of the wall has filled with sand and silt. The same brutal isolated conditions which made the Great Wall a triumph of engineering and determined planning make restoration problematic and slow.
There are tons of questions about the Great Wall of China: Can you see it from the moon? What was it’s purpose? Who built it, and why? Are people buried underneath it?
Facts of Great Wall of China :
The Great Wall of China has been a part of the Chinese history and it is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. One of the interesting facts about this great wall china is that the great wall of china is visible from space.
The Great Wall of China as built over 2000 years ago, around 221 BC but most of the current Great Wall was built during the period between 1368 and 1644.The Great Wall of China is one of the longest structures ever built by men.
The main purpose of the Great Wall of China was to protect China from attack by northern tribes (such as the Mongols). From records it appears that many thousands of people were involved in the constructing the Great Wall of China around 300,000 soldiers and 500,000 common people were involved this Great Wall of China.During the construction of the Great Wall of China many people lost their lives many human remains buried under sections of the wall.
The approximate measure of the Great Wall of China is 6000 kilometer long but it is believed that the actual measurement will be 50000 kilometers. The Great Wall of China is 25 feet tall and it ranges from 15 to 30 feet wide.
> Learn More at WikiPedia : Wikipedia’s Great Wall of China Entry
> Great Wall of China Resources : Strongly recommended articles about the Great Wall of
> Present Condition of Great Wall of China :
Estimates say that only 20% of the Great wall China is in good condition. Many portions of the wall have been repaired, some are in total disrepair
> Dimenssions of Great Wall of China :
The Great Wall of China is 25ft high and 30ft thick. Length of Great Wall of China is 1500 miles.
> Material Used in Construction of Great Wall of China :
Whatever materials were available near the construction site was used for the purpose. In some places limestone was used, in some places granite was used and where nothing was available dirt from the surrounding area was used which were cemented with egg whites and sticky rice. Around 1 million laborers toiled day and night to construct this wall. Hundreds of them died due to exhaustion and starvation. It is said that their bodies were used as rubble in constructing the wall. The Great Wall was said to be the "longest cemetery in the world".
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Great Wall Of China Facts
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